Friday, 24 May 2013

Albania ~ Day 44

Well this week seems to have gone so quickly that I almost forgot it was time to update my blog!!

Last Saturday I had the children's meeting in the morning, which went really well. We had between 15 and 20 kids, which was great! In after afternoon I went with Maureen up Mount Dajti, which is a mountain in Albania that I can see from my bedroom window! It was so beautiful and peaceful up there, which was a nice change from all the dust and noise in the city! God's creation is SO amazing and looking around at everything He's made really makes me feel so much closer to Him!
Looks like a gateway to
another time
Mount Dajti

Tirana from on Dajti
Tirana again from on Dajti
School has been really good again this week. I got to go with Grade 2 on a litter pick and also to do an observation of the area around GDQ. It's really encouraging when a student asks if you're going to be in a certain lesson, and then when you say no, them wishing you were in every lesson!
    I did a Grade 8 maths test  yesterday, as the children were doing it and I was there so I thought, why not! I think I did okay, but I haven't had it graded so I'm not sure!
    I've been doing work on time with one of the students this week and after I'd been doing that for an hour one day I was trying to count something up and was counting '10...11...12...1...2...3...' ooops.
    We've been playing baseball in P.E. this week and in the first lesson I had to keep double checking what the rules were because I've never played before.

I've been doing more work on the Emmaus courses this week and have nearly got them all onto the website. I only have one more, that I have, to put on, which is great!
    We've been getting all of the crafts we've been doing for the 'sister's conference' together this week as it's this weekend, so hopefully that will go really well.

I don't know how many of you watched the you-tube clip I put the link to last week, but here is another one. So often we complain about things that go on in our lives and we take so much for granted. This guy is truly an inspiration!!

'The grass withers and the flowers fall,but the word of our God endures forever.”' ~ Isaiah ch 40 v 8 (NIV)

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