Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The Time Of My Life!

Sorry that this has been so long in coming but for the last part of my trip I had no internet and since I've been home it's been very busy. But now here's the final update on my time in Albania.

'Just keep swimming...'
I spent 10 days in Vlore and had a great time with the people there. I went swimming in the sea, met lots of new people and helped with a children's event that the church did. The view by the sea was stunning and really proclaimed God's goodness and greatness.

Some of the children at the youth event

From Vlore I traveled on to Gjirokaster where I spent a week helping in an orphanage there. I helped keep an eye on the children, took them on walks (and trusted they knew where we were going!), walked the dog and helped unpack boxes of food, clothes etc that people had sent to them. All the ladies who worked there were fantastic and the children were lovely too. It was amazing to see how God provides as before the boxes arrived the store was practically empty! I had a wonderful time and was sad to leave after such a short time.
One of the girls with my glasses and MP3
Me... attempting to walk the dog

Just some of the things people sent
Not too many boxes left now!

Me with 3 of the younger children

My last few days in Albania were again spent in Berat with Esther and her family, which I enjoyed as much as I had previously. The day after I arrived we went to the beach... and it rained SOO hard!! We were all hiding under towels trying not to get drenched. Thankfully it only lasted for about 10 minutes and then we went back to swimming in the sea!

My time in Albania was something I will remember forever. Memories of funny stories or places I saw, people I met who I will never forget. Thank you to everyone I met, thank you for making my time in Albania so special and unforgettable. I had the time of my life.

'Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts...' ~ Hebrews ch v 15 (NIV)

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Albania ~ Day 74

Only 16 days left in Albania now, the time seems to have flown by!

Last Wednesday was the last day of school and we had a great time with the children entertaining the parents and teachers with their 'Spring Fling'. We had songs and dancing from the lower school and different little plays from the middle school students. It was a fantastic time and we all had a good laugh!

On Thursday I finished getting a few bits and pieces to take home and then on Friday I said goodbye to Sylvia and the children as my last few weeks in Albania are being spent in Berat, Vlore and Gjirokaster instead on Tirana. I traveled down to Berat on Saturday and spent several days with Esther and her family again. I had an amazing time! I even got to help bag their wheat after it had been harvested, which was great. I'm soo grateful that I was able to go and visit them again before I leave.

I traveled on to Vlore on Wednesday, and it was soooo hot I felt like I was melting!! Albania really is a beautiful country, but a tad too hot.

On Friday we had a Bible Study at the church with a visiting speaker from Italy. It was rather strange having the Italian translated into Albanian and then that being translated into English for me! It was a great meeting all about how as Christians we are in a constant battle and so therefore we must always be ready and have on the full 'armor of God'. It was particularly relevant, after the year my family and I have had, for which I was very grateful.

Yesterday we were at the beach with people from the church and had a fantastic time! I was actually able to swim in the sea and not have to get out after 5 minutes because I was frozen, which made a nice change! In the evening we went to a church plant further along to coast and I was asked to share me testimony.

'Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.' ~ Ephesians ch 6 v 10-17

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Albania ~ Day 62

I can hardly believe there's less than a month left before I fly home!

The last ten days have been very fun, as school is coming to a close with the last day tomorrow. I've really enjoyed every minute at GDQ and with speaking to people there and helping with the children, it has really reaffirmed several things to me about where God is leading my life. I will be eternally grateful for the opportunity and to the friends I have made along the way.

Last week I went to tea with another family from the church. They have 3 children who are lovely and I had such a wonderful evening with them all. I also when out for tea on Thursday and lunch on Sunday with 2 of the teachers from the school which was another fantastic time getting to know the people who work here. Maureen and I also did some shopping last week, as I needed to get some presents to take home : ) (with the Albanian flag on obviously!)

On Thursday we had a taekwondo demonstration by some of the students from the school as well as one of the teachers and students from other schools in Tirana. Wow!!

Can't quite believe this photo!!!
The before shot...

...and, well...

Such clear blue sky

On Friday I went on another trip with the school to Durres, to the beach! I think that was the first time EVER that I have been in the sea and it's not been freezing!!

In the sea, and I can still feel my toes!

Isn't God's creation wonderful!!

Today was Water Day at school! Well... to say I got a little damp would be the understatement of the year!! Despite getting absolutely soaked, mainly by the teachers, it was a great day and I even met some new people! Thank you SOOO much to the staff and students at GDQ. What you do is amazing and I'm so grateful that I have met you all. God bless!

'We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.' ~ Colossians ch 1 v 9-14 (NIV)

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Albania ~ Day 53

I can hardly believe where the time has gone, over half way through my time in Albania now!

Last weekend was the National Sisters Conference in Shkodra (in the north of Albania) which went real well! There were a group of 10 of us who went from our church and it was great to meet women from different churches all over Albania. The theme of the weekend was encouragement, and each church had 5 minutes to read a poem/sing a song/read Bible verses etc that were about encouragement. On Saturday evening we played some games and they had us all looking incredibly silly with 'Just Dance'!

On Monday morning I went bowling with Grade 5 as a treat, because their teacher was leaving later in the week. We all had a great time and it was nice getting to meet some of the students I'd not worked with. The place where we went even opened an hour early just for us!

On Wednesday I was sent on a school trip with Grade 2 to Kruja. We went and looked round an old house there that showed us different tools people used to use and some traditional Albanian clothes. It was fascinating and the house was 249 years old!

A view of Kruja
Mount Kruja

School continues to be amazing. I'm learning a lot about myself and about school life from the other side. It's such a fantastic experience and I can't wait to start university in September and put some of the things I've learnt into practice.

My helper for the children's meeting!
Yesterday I really pushed myself out of my comfort zone. I took the children's meeting (the talk part of it) and ended up giving my testimony and telling the parable of the lost sheep to 30 people! It was also the last one before the summer so I wanted to be able to send them away with something they would remember, hopefully I did. I never thought that I would be able to do that.  But... once I got up there, I actually really enjoyed it! God has definitely given me more confidence since I started doing FirstServe and I can hardly believe all of the things I've done.

Please pray for some of the boys who had been coming to the children's meeting. They are now hanging out with some Muslims who are persuading them not to come to the meeting. It's a great shame, please pray that they will come back after the summer.

'I will proclaim your righteous deeds, yours alone. Since my youth, God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds. Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come. Your righteousness, God, reaches to the heavens, you who have done great things. Who is like you, God?' ~ Psalm ch 71 v 16-19 (NIV)

Friday, 24 May 2013

Albania ~ Day 44

Well this week seems to have gone so quickly that I almost forgot it was time to update my blog!!

Last Saturday I had the children's meeting in the morning, which went really well. We had between 15 and 20 kids, which was great! In after afternoon I went with Maureen up Mount Dajti, which is a mountain in Albania that I can see from my bedroom window! It was so beautiful and peaceful up there, which was a nice change from all the dust and noise in the city! God's creation is SO amazing and looking around at everything He's made really makes me feel so much closer to Him!
Looks like a gateway to
another time
Mount Dajti

Tirana from on Dajti
Tirana again from on Dajti
School has been really good again this week. I got to go with Grade 2 on a litter pick and also to do an observation of the area around GDQ. It's really encouraging when a student asks if you're going to be in a certain lesson, and then when you say no, them wishing you were in every lesson!
    I did a Grade 8 maths test  yesterday, as the children were doing it and I was there so I thought, why not! I think I did okay, but I haven't had it graded so I'm not sure!
    I've been doing work on time with one of the students this week and after I'd been doing that for an hour one day I was trying to count something up and was counting '10...11...12...1...2...3...' ooops.
    We've been playing baseball in P.E. this week and in the first lesson I had to keep double checking what the rules were because I've never played before.

I've been doing more work on the Emmaus courses this week and have nearly got them all onto the website. I only have one more, that I have, to put on, which is great!
    We've been getting all of the crafts we've been doing for the 'sister's conference' together this week as it's this weekend, so hopefully that will go really well.

I don't know how many of you watched the you-tube clip I put the link to last week, but here is another one. So often we complain about things that go on in our lives and we take so much for granted. This guy is truly an inspiration!!

'The grass withers and the flowers fall,but the word of our God endures forever.”' ~ Isaiah ch 40 v 8 (NIV)

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Albania ~ Day 36

Looks like it's time to catch you up with what I've been doing over the last week. So...

Both kittens and their mum.
One of the kittens living near me!

Last Thursday I went to a Birthday meal for one of the teachers at GDQ. It was great to get to know some of the staff better and meet some more new people too. I also tried some new food (I won't say what because I want to see the look on my mum's face when she finds out!) Several of us then went out for ice-cream, which was delicious!

We had a fantastic day at GDQ on Friday as it was Sport's Day! I was put in charge of the parachute and we had loads of fun!! The children and teachers all really enjoyed it, and the weather was perfect, which helped a lot!

On Saturday I went to a youth event at one of the other churches in Tirana (getting lost on the way there, oops!). I had a good time and one of the people was kind enough to translate for me. Later I went to the house warming for one of the teachers who has moved in 3 floors up from me! It was another good time with lots of laughing.

I'm rather busy at the moment trying to get all of the Emmaus courses online before the end of the month. We're also busy making things to sell at a sister's conference next weekend.

Cards for the conference.
My contribution so far.

I'm having a good time and getting to know lots of different people. I pray that I will continue to learn move about God and His plans for my life while I'm here and that I will really grow in my relationship with Him.

Sometimes you may feel that God has left you or let you down, but He has shown me time and again that He is always there (even when your family are miles away!). He is still faithful and will pick us up when we fall and give us the strength to go on. He is the Rock on which my life is built and I try to put Him at the center of everything I do. If you believe in Him, He is 'a friend that sticks closer than a brother' (Proverbs ch 18 v 24), He will carry you through life's troubles and rejoice with you in the good times. Let us always remember He holds EVERYTHING in His hands. GOD is in control!

This is fantastic! Please take just a couple minutes to have a look!

 'Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,
“Never will I leave you;
   never will I forsake you.”' ~ Hebrews ch 13 v 5 (NIV)

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Albania ~ Day 27

Well, my last twelve days here have been just as exciting as my first couple of weeks in Albania. So, let me fill you in on some of the things I've been doing.

Friday 26th I was back at GDQ. I spent time adding and comparing fractions with one of the students; learning more about resistance, current, voltage etc in science with Grade 6; and I was in charge of the group practicing their volleyball skills in P.E with Kindergarten and Grade 1.

On Saturday we had our children's club in the morning, with about 15 children, and then in the afternoon I went with Enris and another guy from the church to give out flyers for the service on Sunday. I was quite nervous about doing it, but at the same time was glad that I could help in trying to get people to know more or think more about God. It was very hot though which was slightly annoying as we were outside all the time.

On Sunday we had a good time at the church with a good service that seemed to be about disproving various theories that disagree with the Bible. I then had the afternoon to do my study, which was looking at wealth and possessions.

Last week I was only at GDQ twice, on Monday and Thursday, as we had Friday off. I had a great time helping with fractions, straight-line graphs and real life graphs, going over a science lesson with two kids who'd been away and helping with volley ball again in P.E.

Last Monday was also my first day helping one of the students with her piano playing. She is very good and seems naturally gifted with it, which definitely makes my job a little easier. We started going through 'The Entertainer', which is a piece she's wanted to learn for a while.

Wednesday was my day off, as it was a bank holiday in Albania, as the 1st of May. A group of us from the church went for a picnic in the park, which was lovely and it was nice getting to know some of them a bit better.
... or the trees around you?
What do you see when you look at
the sky above you...

Do you see God? I do.
The park was very pretty too and it was nice not being surrounded by buildings for an afternoon.

Last weekend I went to visit a friend, Esther, who lives near a place in Albania called Berat. She's a truly lovely person and I had a wonderful weekend with her and her family. She has 3 fabulous children: 9-year-old twins and a 3 year old.

On Saturday they took me around the castle in Berat and the view was spectacular! I also had time to play with the children, we even watched 'The Story Keepers' which I haven't seen for years!
View from the castle
Another picture of me, for my mum

Look at the mountain!
God's wonderful creation!

I had the most amazing weekend! I'm so glad I was able to see them while I'm here.

Yesterday I was helping at GDQ and then working with Beth on her piano. It was a nice day, everyone at the school is so lovely. We had some rain and thunder yesterday and the bad weather has continued today. But, the rain makes me feel more at home, for some reason!

'My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.' ~ John ch 10 v 27 (NKJV)

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Albania ~ Day 15

I think it's time I caught you up on what I've been doing.
Last Thursday evening we had our weekly Bible study and prayer meeting which I went to. It was all in Albanian so I didn't understand much, but it was on the Tabernacle and Enris has a model so I could see what he was talking about.

On Friday I was back at GDQ doing more circuits in science; fractions, decimals and percentages with a student and P.E. with Kindergarten and Grade 1. Mrs Pearce the librarian also showed me how to put new books onto the system so that I'll now be able to help her with that too. I also found out that there was a non-pupil day on Monday, so I got the day off too.
    Later I went with Sylvia to their church's craft group where they're currently making things to sell at the 'National Sisters Conference' in May. It was really interesting and some of the things they've made are lovely.

On Saturday we had our kids club again, this time it was in the church, where we had about 15 children come. We played some games and then had a story, which had pictures on a power point, so I was able to understand what was going on! The children all seemed to enjoy themselves and they all got sweets at the end for answering questions on the story.
    I then had the afternoon for my study time and had a great time concentrating on prayer. It was fantastic, though challenging. The main verses from the Bible that came up a few times were Philippians ch 4 v 5-7, which were the verses I wrote on my first blog entry after arriving in Albania.

On Sunday we had our Breaking of Bread service, followed by what I would call the family service. I'm starting to recognise some of the hymns in Albanian, and hopefully by the time I get home, I'll know a couple of them. Enris was kind enough to translate the family service for me as one of the other people was taking the service. It was a good time and I got to meet a lot more of the Church.
    We then went and had a BBQ at the house Enris and Sylvia are building. It's in such a lovely spot, the view was amazing, a fantastic reminder of God's goodness.

On Monday, as I had the day off school, I went out to lunch with the librarian from the school, and her daughter. We had a great time chatting and getting to know each other which was good because I'm going to be helping the girl with her piano.

One of Sylvia's university friends has been visiting for the past few day and so on Tuesday, which was my official day off, we went around to some of the different places in Tirana. We went to Mother Teresa square, where the Mother Teresa University is and then went to see the statue of Albania's hero Skanderbeg on his horse. We also went to 'Sky Tower' which is just a tall tower with glass windows at the top so you can take pictures. The top of it actually moves as well!

Me at Sky Tower
So many trees in the middle of Tirana!
Look at the mountains!!
Another picture taken at Sky Tower
Skanderbeg on his horse
Yesterday I was working on the Emmaus courses for Enris. He's hoping that he can get the website launched  next week, so I need to work quickly to try and get all of the courses on there! I feel so privileged to play just a small part in Albanians being able to get these amazing Bible study courses in their own language. Truly amazing work!

    In the evening Sylvia's friend treated us all to a meal out before she leaves. It was very kind of her, and the food was lovely.

Today I was at GDQ again, after being off on Monday. I started putting some of the new books that came in last week onto the school system, so that the children can get to read them sooner than they would with just one person working on it. I also had science and maths. In maths they were working with indices and as a starter they had 3 minutes to write down the first 20 square numbers! (they did a lot of work on this last year and they had to do it for homework too, so they weren't thrown right in at the deep end). I was also working on ordering fractions, with one of the students, putting them in order from smallest to largest. It was another fantastic day.

The weather here continues to stay warm although we did have rain, for the first time since I arrived, on Monday which made me feel even more at home. However, it seems to be starting to get even warmer now, it was definitely over 20 degrees today. Thankfully it's a lot cooler inside!

'“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.' ~ Isaiah ch 55 v 8&9 (NIV)

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Albania ~ Day 8

Last Sunday, we had our morning church service, which was the first church service I'd been to since I arrived (not that I could understand any of it as it was in Albanian) but it was still a good service, being with the Lord's people. Several of the couples from the church were away so in the afternoon they'd decided we would have a church picnic. It was nice to get to know a few more people who can speak English! It was a fantastic day and all of the children had a great time running around and climbing trees.

Monday was my first day at GDQ (the missions school). It was a super time and everyone is really lovely. I got to help with Grade 2, P.E, maths with Grade 8 and with special support for one of the students. I also got to do some work in the library and I even found some books I have at home!
Books I have at home!
Lord of the Rings!

On Tuesday I was doing some work for Enris. He is translating Emmaus courses into Albanian, from English, and then putting them on the internet for people to use. It is a fantastic work, but it takes a lot of work to get all of the courses on there. So, with the courses that Enris had finished translating I copied and pasted the questions for each chapter to where they had to go so that he has more time to translate the courses. It was very repetitive, but quite enjoyable.

Yesterday was my first day off, which was lovely, and I spent the morning shopping with Sylvia and Esther.  In the evening Enris and Sylvia both had to go out so the children and I watched 'Joseph: King of Dreams' because they are learning all about Joseph at the moment. It was a nice time and we even got everyone's homework finished.

Today I was at GDQ again and some new books had arrived for the school so I was sorting through them all making sure we had everything we were supposed to have. I also helped one of the students with her rounding and she did it so quickly we finished her words work as well and still had 15 minutes to spare! I also helped with maths again and also with science where we were making circuits, which I remember doing at school!

I am having a brilliant time and can hardly believe that I've been here for a week already!
Thank you God for your goodness and grace!

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? ~ Luke ch 12 v 22-26 (NIV)

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Albania ~ Day 3

Because mum wanted a picture of me
at the airport
Well, this is now the final part of my FirstServe experience. On Thursday I left the chilly, overcast South West of England and headed for the sunny land of Albania (here comes the sun!). Thankfully I wasn't as nervous as I thought I was going to be, flying on my own for the first time, but it was still rather scary!
    I was met at the airport by Sylvia and her 3 children Luke, Ben and Esther. The whole family are lovely and the children seem to have unlimited amounts of energy.
    It's... rather warm here, already I've ditched the jumper and coat and dusted off my sunglasses. Even when I'm walking back, to the place where I'm staying, at night it's still warm out!

Yesterday I went and visited the mission school where I'll be helping 3 days a week. All of the children and staff seem very friendly. While I'm here I'll get to work with different year groups, doing a variety of subjects (e.g Maths, P.E, Science) and helping to give extra support to some of the students.
    Today we were doing children's work in the morning which is normally done at the Church, but every so often they go out and play some games. So we went and played football and a few other games with the children which they seemed to really enjoy.
Taken from the plane
Also taken from the plane, don't
have a clue which mountains!
I had a good view from the plane (once we got out of all the clouds!) and a couple songs in particular kept springing to mind: Indescribable by Chris Tomlin, Greatest Day in History by Tim Hughes and Let Everything that has Breath by Matt Redman. It seems amazing to me that anyone can look at God's wonderful creation, the sky and the sea, the fish and the trees, and yet not see that there is an awesome creator behind it all! That it didn't all happen by accident with no purpose or plan, we were all created for a reason as part of God's amazing plan. I'm not just a part of the circle of life (you're born, you live, you die) I was created for a purpose and I can now look forward to eternity with God when my life on this earth is over. Praise the Lord!!

'If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.' ~ C T Studd
'It is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.' ~ Jim Elliot

'Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.' ~ Philippians ch 4 v 6&7 (NIV)

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Thanks to everyone I met in Wales

I can't believe that my month in Wales is over. It was an amazing time that I will never forget with people who are just as amazing.

Last Wednesday I got to do 24 again, this time with Steve. We did it twice in the morning and the questions the children had at the end showed that they'd really been listening and thinking about what they'd heard, which was great.
    In the afternoon I helped Steve and Gwyn to pack up lots of PBS (Postal Bible School) lessons. It was really weird being on the other side of the process, as I'd done PBS lessons when I was younger!
The beach view from the Tower
Me in-front of Swansea Tower

I spent Thursday going shopping and going to Swansea Tower. We went right to the top of the tower and had a drink. The view from that high up was fantastic. We were 29 stories high!
    It was a great day out with Steve and Gwyn, thank you very much!

The view of Swansea from the Tower
Friday, of course, was Good Friday and Dunvant had a church service in the morning. Phil had decided that the 24 presentation was so good that we would have that as part of the service, so I got to do it for a forth time!
    Phil's brother Mark Davies was down from Motherwell for the day, taking a service at a nearby church in the evening. Dunvant didn't have an evening service so we went to listen to Mark. It was an excellent service with great speakers. I was nice seeing Mark again, as he is the principle of Tilsley College in Motherwell where I spent some time before going to Swansea.
The Worm's Head ~ Rhossili

On Saturday Phil, Sheila, my friend Christine and I went on a walk at Rhossili to the Worm's Head. It was a lovely walk, even if it was quite cold, over to the Worm's Head, but we didn't walk right the way to the end. It was a fantastic last day in Wales, thank you.

Thank you to everyone I met while I was in Wales, I had the most amazing time and you are all lovely people. I hope we'll meet again some day.

'Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!' ~ Luke ch 24 v 5&6